Accountability Goals

Goals for August 2019

Goals I have for August 2019:

  1. ? Scale Accountability Plus to 100 members
  2. ? Pivot from email subscribers to active/paying members
  3. ? 1 hour of career and business development daily
  4. ? Log journal entries daily
  5. ? Create a documentary short film: Impossible August

What are your goals for August 2019?

Consider this your personal invite to Accountability Plus (it’s free!)

Register today or hit reply and let me know your goals for August 2019.

Working out in Virtual Reality
Working out in Virtual Reality

6) ?? Maintain 3x/week gym streak
7) ? Develop visionaryislife playbook & gameplay

If you’re a fan of Accountability Plus, consider supporting me on Patreon. ?

best always,
justin harris
launch your vision with unconventional passion

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