☑️ Survived.
Category: Yearly
2018 Life in Review
“How’s life?”, I always ask. There’s always something up. Bad or good. I’m thankful for another 365 days of struggles, experiences, achievements, and memories. In this review, let’s reflect on 2018.
January 2018

Started the year without a traditional 9-5 job. Avoided networking events where people love to ask “What do you do?”. Every day was a new day. Worked towards 1,000 daily move goals and all things visionary in our Downtown Oakland Office. Played lots of HQ Trivia instead of finding product market fit.
February 2018

Redesigned my personal website. Applied to the Adobe Creative Residency.
March 2018

Attended the first Bond conference which examined how creators make a living on the internet. Struggled with building a startup, working as an independent creator, and finding a *real* job. Applied to 25+ gigs.
April 2018

Moved out of our Downtown Oakland Office. Continued job search into April as I struggled to pay bills, expenses, and debt. Received an offer to be a Director at iD Tech over the summer and an offer to be an Office Manager at App Academy. Turned down the Director position in favor for the Office Manager one.
May 2018

My desk at App Academy on Day One. By far the best onboarding experience I’ve ever received.
June 2018

June is every Apple developer’s favorite month as new software is announced at the World Wide Developer Conference. This year I attended AltConf and met a ton of passionate people. Saw Kesha and Macklemore live! Couldn’t afford to attend VidCon this year which is the same weekend as San Francisco Pride.
July 2018
Saw NF & Logic live! Attended my first A’s and Giant’s game.
August 2018
Left App Academy to focus on my health and figure out life once again. Participated in the first ever Pioneer tournament.
September 2018
Went back to the drawing board with visionary. Mistakenly got accepted into Y Combinator Startup School Online. Worked really hard in San Francisco for 10 weeks. Enjoyed the Apple Keynote Season. Met iJustine and got the brand new iPhone XS.
October 2018
Completed Inktober. Sketched every single day. Moved into a new studio. Facilitated Y Combinator Startup School Online Group Office Hours. Visited Facebook’s HQ for the first time. Entered the 2nd pioneer tourney.
November 2018
Furnished new studio. Started a new job at Enjoy with a temporary license. Visited Dallas, TX for training for the first time. Got “let go” shortly after returning to work in Bay Area because I didn’t have a full license yet. Now struggling again between a full-time gig to make ends meet or the independent video creator / freelance lifestyle.
December 2018
Entered the 3rd pioneer tourney. Redesigned my website again. Work with clients in the December 2018 metaverse at visionary. Still figuring life out and happily surviving adulthood in the Bay Area. Happy New Years!